Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Nervous, Insani-P90x 1.7

Tuesday 9/1, 12pm

Was surprisedly worried/nervous about swimming today. Did I sleep enough? Did I eat enough? Do I have enough energy? Will I have enough energy for this afternoon's run?

Took it real easy until about 400-500m. My pace was about 2:05 - 2:10 per 100m.

Opened up a bit until I gassed at 750m. My form was absent. I was pulling with my neck to breath. My legs began to sink.

Rested for a min, remembering Adam's advice about a particular type of interval. After recharging, I decided to really open it up. I only had 150m to go anyway. Didn't time them, but it felt great to really pull and kick.

Finished up with an easy FS/BS/FS. IDK why, but I felt like it.

So I did 1100m, with a little rest. Been awhile since I've done so. Confidence is up a notch.

Jeremy asked my time for the Honu swim. I couldn't really remember so I looked it up after today's swim. 41:10 for a 2:04 pace. A little faster than my training pace back then. I was undertrained for the swim then, and I'm undertrained for it again now.

WTF am I thinking? I don't train enough for events. I just sign up and do them. I thought this would be the race in which I got serious for and do well instead of just finishing.

Maybe I'm subconsciously doing this just to keep things interesting.

I need to get more than 7 hours of sleep tonight so I can make my training day count tomorrow. Headed to Kona for the day.

Tuesday 9/1, 5:30pm

Had the same nervous thoughts about the afternoon run. Exhausted, fatigued, tired. Met Jeremy at Coconut Island just before 5:30pm. He had just done about 1km of swim intervals and then some. And now we're gonna do an 8 miler. 37 mins to Richardson's. 33 mins back. We cruised and talked most of the way there about training, fitness, nutrition, races, and future events. Halfway back, we decided to pick up the pace a little. We picked up the pace quite a bit for about 2 miles, then went easy again. We both agreed that it hardly seemed worth the 4 mins for all the extra effort we put in.

He's a stronger, faster swimmer. He should finish the swim at least 3 mins ahead of me.

On longer rides, he's got me again. He'll gain another minute or less on the bike.

I have to kick butt on the transitions and the run.

12 days till the inaugural Lavaman Keauhou and counting...

Wednesday 9/2, 7am

Insani-P90x 1.7 Shoulders and Arms - Decided to rename this hybrid workout. I'll increment for each "working" day, including 1 recovery day a week. Not including Sunday's brick yet, need to decide if I'm gonna include a short cardio or strength workout on those days (cause there's yardwork too).

Got 7 hours sleep. Almost got more. NO-Xplode almost brought me up to normal. Really had to push myself.

ExerciseSet 1Set 2
Alternating Shoulder Press20#15++30#12=
In/Out Bicep Curls20#16+25#16=
2-Arm Tricep Kickbacks15#15+20#12=
Deep Swimmer's Press20#12=25#12=
Full Supination Concentration Curls20#8=25#8=
Chair Dips2535!
Upright Rows25#12=30#10=
Static Arm Curls20#12=20#12==
Flip-Grip Twist Kickbacks15#8+20#5-
Seated Shoulder Flys15#16=15#16+=
Crouching Cohen Curls20#15+25#12+=
Lying Down Tricep Extensions15#15+20#10=
In/Out Straight-Arm Shoulder Flys10#16+=15#16
Congdon Curls20#10=25#8

This time, I took it easier on the first round to see what I could do on the 2nd.

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