Friday, November 21, 2008

A Clever Title featuring a Pun about Treadmills

Jess had me do a treadmill run on Friday. I had to go to Kona so I did the run in the evening.

10min w-up
then 4x15 seconds at '10' setting and 2% incline - with 45sec easy in between
then 4x15 sec at '10 with a 4% incline, 45 easy
Main set:
6x2min at 1% incline on '8.5 setting with 2 min rest in between each
5min jog warm down

I wasn't thinking and did 4x45 seconds with 45 secs at 6-7.
This made the rest kinda tough.
The first main set was a struggle, but I felt stronger on the 2nd main set.

HR was 180 on the hard sets and 170-175 on the easy.

I slacked on Saturday.

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